Sunday 5 May 2013

Plein Air Painting No.1 The Pink House, Tiglio Village

Finally decent weather has arrived in Tuscany! Over the next 6 months I will be out in the open air painting with my French easel, getting sunburnt and attacked by a whole range of insects and occasionally watched by nosy people! These plein air paintings will produced using quick drying oil paints (Alkyds) with a minimum amount of paints and brushes to weight down, the easel already being over 6kg. The colours I use are Titanium White, Cobalt Blue, French Ultramarine, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Burnt Sienna and Olive Green. Brushes, a couple of hog hair flats and a small rigger. Some works will be sketchy, some more finished but I do not want to spend more than 1 hour on each painting. I hope these blog posts will inspire people to work directly from nature, worth the effort leaving the convenience of a studio and dealing with changing light and challenging weather conditions and its fun!

This first painting is just before you head into Tiglio village. I liked the pink house, the trees and the shadow on the road.

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