Saturday, 22 September 2012

Daily Sketch No.196 ‘Devils Bridge’, Serchio Valley, Tuscany

One of those legends involving the Devil, this medieval bridge near the small town of Borgo Mozzano further down the valley looks lovely spanning the River Serchio.

Daily Sketch No.195 View from Mologno Station, Garfagnana, Tuscany

Our local train station 4km from Barga brings school kids from as far away as Pisa, where they are ferried up to the school in Barga by bus. It is not particularly well kept but the view from the platform is beautiful - green fields and distant mountains.

Daily Sketch No.194 Porta Macchiaia, Barga Vecchia, Tuscany

This is one of the two entrances into Barga Vecchia. A bit harder than the other entrance as you have to come up the road and do a few shunts back and forward to get around this 180 degree corner so no delivery vans possible. Everything has to be brought in by the three-wheeled Ape vehicles if you have bought any furniture.

Daily Sketch No.193 Three Umbrellas, Mordimi Restaurant, Barga, Tuscany

Not long ago I sketched three umbrellas just within the walls of Barga and I saw these at the Mordimi restaurant. Do umbrellas hang around in groups of three? Anyway, they caught my attention so maybe I have a thing about umbrellas!

Daily Sketch No.192 Via Di Mezzo, Barga, Tuscany

This week has been very busy so just catching up uploading my daily sketches! 

Now that the school holidays are over and apart from visitors who do not have children, Barga has taken on a quieter atmosphere, although the weather is still warm during the day but cooler at night. Soon the locals will change to their winter weather clothes ready for several months of cold damp days.