Tuesday 17 July 2012

Daily Sketch No.127 Bicycles and Shadow, Lucca, Tuscany

Yesterday morning I strolled around elegant Lucca looking for shade and came across this pack of cycles, resting in this shadow, waiting for hire. A complex scene but by drawing a few cycles and suggesting seats and handlebars in the background, your brain knows they are masses of cycles! I wanted the bikes and the shadow to be dominant in the sketch so no need to colour anything else except a bit of bright colour on the building.

Daily Sketch No.126 Barn near Nebbunella, Barga, Tuscany

A few minutes drive south of Barga is the little hamlet of Nebbunella. Very rural with working farms, old men chugging around in Apes (3 wheeled vehicles) farming the land, their wives inside cooking and cleaning. This is rural Italy. The barn featured is typical of the area, slatted brick windows, no glass just air holes created by the bricks. If you bought this property and renovated you would have to keep these which would make the inside of your house very dark indeed!