Thursday 30 August 2012

Daily Sketch No.170 ‘The Invisible Man’ Menton, France

This piece of ‘street art’ caught my attention as well as many passers by. Florence has people dressed as statues down by the Uffizi Museum and Gallery but I though this was brilliant for Menton - a smart dapper gent dressed in a deep red suit, white trousers and hat with a walking stick and no head! 

I imagined him coming to work in this attire (he cannot change on the street as that would give the game away) on the bus or train reading his newspaper or even driving his car through Menton. Imagine pulling up at traffic lights, you look across and see this man with no head! Maybe he is not a man but a child or even a woman, that is why I love this ‘Invisible Man’, the mystery of not knowing what is underneath this disguise!

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